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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Secret of bikini body like HOT Kate Upton revealed


Secrete of bikini body like HOT Kate Upton revealed

If anybody wants hot body like Kate Upton you have to read this article. Kate Upton has one of the best bodies in the world.  The blonde supermodel's curves are so jaw-dropping that if you found yourself on the same beach as her, it would be tough not to

 Secret of bikini body like HOT Kate Upton revealed

gawp, no matter what sex you were. But as you reach for your afternoon chocolate hobnob, rest assured that the 22 year old, who wears a US size 8 (UK size 12), is on an extremely strict diet and exercise regime to achieve that look


Secret of bikini body like HOT Kate Upton revealed

ABC Rule

Kate, who appeared on the cover of the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, lives by the ABC rule: No alcohol, bread or processed carbohydrates, and goes through a 48-hour juice cleanse before every big film scene of photo shoot. In a new interview with the Evening Standard magazine, Kate reveals that she eats lean and green meals every day, with only the occasional 'cheat day', where she indulges in salty fried food.

 Secret of bikini body like HOT Kate Upton revealed
Then for dinner she prepares a meal of sashimi of grilled chicken with a kale and cashew salad. Fans of red meat will also be disappointed - Kate lives by the rule 'if it flies or swims, it's good,' meaning bacon, steak and sausages are out of the question.  She told the paper: 'For me it's about being strong, having the strength to work ten-hour days and eating healthily.' Even within the realms of healthy food, Kate has her limits - although most people would consider themselves virtuous for snacking on fruit, she only eats specific types, including blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, kiwis and apples. 
Secret of bikini body like HOT Kate Upton revealed
But while Kate works hard at her figure, she is also keen to act as a role model for young women who are constantly faced with anorexic-looking models in high fashion magazines. Along with stars like Kim Kardashian, she is spearheading a change in perceptions of beauty - showing that curvy is just as beautiful as super skinny. She said: 'I'm happy to be seen as a good example, if I can help girls who are going through body image issues, I think that's amazing.' 
For the past two years Upton has worked with David Kirsch, a trainer famous for targeting the three As: ass, abs and arms. ‘I’m a body shaper, toner, sculptor. I love curves,’ says Kirsch. ‘I don’t like making girls look skinny. I don’t think skinny is good.’ The walls of his Flatiron District office are lined with framed glossy magazine features about his supermodel clients Heidi Klum, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista and Liv Tyler. I spot his Butt Book, on the back of which is a quote from Czech supermodel Karolina Kurkova: ‘He’s master of the ass. He knows exactly where to attack a woman’s body.’ ‘Kate is a smart girl — smart beyond her years,’ says Kirsch. ‘She’s got a brain but right now her body is her business.’
Has she ever been body-shy? ‘I always am!’ says Upton. ‘Well, I am and I’m not at the same time. Every person has insecurities. But this is the body I was given, I appreciate it and I try to take care of it every day as best I can, but I always enjoy my life. So I’m not going to let my insecurities stop me from enjoying life.’ She flashes that smile. She’s right: it is her best feature.
Sorry, Moss; sorry, Middleton. Kate Upton is the most Googled Kate on the planet and has turned her digital fame into fashion stardom and a film career. Dan Rookwood talks Tequila Tuesdays, gym addiction and having her iCloud hacked with a very modern model

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015




Wow this is big bombshell news from National enquirer. How they found this is very smart investigation. Hillary Clinton isn’t just caught in a political scandal over her missing emails from her stint as secretary of state – she’s also terrified of personal revelations about a secret lesbian lifestyle! Now a world-exclusive investigation by The National ENQUIRER reveals that some of the presidential candidate’s famously “deleted” emails are packed full of lesbian references and her lovers’ names. “I don’t
 Do you believe that HILLARY CLINTON has LESBIAN LOVERS?
think she’s so concerned about emails referring to her as secretly gay,” said a Clinton insider. “That’s been out for years – her real fear is that the names of some of her lovers would be made public!”
The ENQUIRER learned the list of Hillary’s lesbian lovers includes a beauty in her early 30s who has often traveled with Hillary; a popular TV and movie star; the daughter of a top government official; and a stunning model who got a career boost after allegedly sleeping with Hillary. Hillary made the huge mistake of mixing public and private messages while using her personalized email server – before risking a massive scandal by refusing to make the documents public. “That’s clearly why she went to the extraordinary step of deleting everything,” the high-ranking source told The ENQUIRER .

 Do you believe that HILLARY CLINTON has LESBIAN LOVERS?

Hillary is particularly concerned about intimate emails to longtime aide Huma Abedin – who married U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner in a ceremony that many ridiculed as a political arrangement. Anthony later resigned over extramarital sexting scandals, after porn star Sydney Leathers said that she believed he was in an open marriage. “I think a lot of the time when we were speaking, Huma was probably with Hillary,” she charged, at the time. One exchange between the women had Hillary mistakenly responding to political correspondence with an email that seemed to be about decorating. Added the insider: “That makes you wonder if any sensitive information was sent to her romantic partners!” The scandal unraveled in March, when Hillary revealed she deleted over 30,000 emails, insisting the messages were just “things you typically find in inboxes


Hillary Clinton 'Could Be Our First Lesbian President,' Says Bryan Fischer

The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer believes Hillary Clinton will be a pioneer in more ways than one if she is elected U.S. president in 2016. Fischer, whose anti-gay declarations have become a near-weekly staple of his "Focal Point" radio show, points to a recent interview with Bill Clinton's alleged ex-mistress Gennifer Flowers, Right Wing Watch first reported. In that interview, Flowers told the Daily Mail's Laura Collins that during their alleged affair, Bill Clinton had told her that Hillary was bisexual. Pointing to Flowers' speculation over Hillary's relationship with aide Huma Abedin (also the wife of failed New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner), Fischer noted, "The bottom line is that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2016, she will not only be our first female president, she could be our first lesbian president.”
Fischer has previously taken President Barack Obama to task over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) affairs. Shortly after Obama's inaugural address earlier this year, Fischer condemned the president's historic embrace of LGBT rights, proclaiming, "Homosexuals do not have a constitutional right to engage in sodomy!"

Fischer, who argued that Obama "displays ignorance" in his embrace of same-sex marriage and other LGBT rights and "doesn't know what he's talking about," then added, "All men are created equal, but nobody, nobody, nobody is born gay."
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